Purchasing car insurance can be somewhat complex. The more information you're armed with will help you save money. Below are 10 ways to save money on anyone's car insurance.
- Clean Motor Vehicle Report (MVR) - Try your best to have a clean license. This means no speeding tickets or violations for at least 39 months. Car insurance rates favor drivers with clean licenses.
- No accidents - I know people don't try to have accidents, but being accident free for at least 39 months usually places you in any insurance company's most preferred rating tier.
- Prior Insurance - Insurance companies look favorably upon those who have
had insurance for at least 6 months. If you currently have insurance, try not to let it lapse and then look for new insurance. Keep it in force continually. - Good Credit - More and more insurance companies are looking at an individual's credit rating to determine insurance rates. The better your credit, the better rate you'll receive on your car insurance.
- Defensive Driver Certification - Anyone can sign up to take a Defensive Driver course. The course is usually 6 hours in length and upon completion; you're entitled to receive an 8-10% discount off your car insurance.
- Select Modest Vehicle - Insurance for cars is related to the actual vehicle itself. Obviously the more expensive the car the more expensive the insurance. Try to purchase a modest vehicle thus making the cost of the insurance less expensive.
- Deductibles - The deductible you choose on your auto policy is the amount deducted from a claim, which you're responsible to pay out of pocket. A higher deductible relates to a lower insurance rate.
- Multi Vehicle Discount - Car insurance policies offer a discount once you have more than one vehicle insured. Normally the discount is 25%. If you have more than one auto policy in your household, you should combine the two and take advantage of the savings.
- Package Policy - Companies offer a discount to policyholder's if you insure a home (condo, or renters policy) with them as well as your car insurance. The savings on the car insurance may pay for the complete cost of a renter's policy or will provide a large discount on a homeowner's policy.
- Address - Try to live outside of a major metropolitan proper area. The suburbs can be 40% cheaper to insure a car vs. a city address.
by Robert Lawrence
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